Wednesday, January 11, 2012

blowing up microwaves!

Today I put some bread-sticks in the microwave to eat with our salad. We got the salad and bread-sticks from Olive Garden! We were given a gift card for Christmas and used it for our date night last night. I love the Olive Garden. I especially love their salad!!


Heating up the bread-sticks is not eventful, right? UNLESS you it in the bag that Olive Garden sends them home in which VERY CLEARLY states on one side of it to NOT PUT IT IN THE MICROWAVE! UGH!

I reluctantly showed Tim the warning and then thought,
"Isn't it just like us though? We have the bible. It IS in black and white. It is very clear. Yet, we don't read it, or we ignore it, or we don't seek out its knowledge. Then we put the bread-sticks in the microwave inside of the UNSAFE bag!

or we make that choice without seeking God's counsel!
or we go about our day without reading God's warnings, advice and instruction and just do what we want to do!
or we make the mistake once, twice, over and over of not seeking his counsel and not meeting with our daddy God, not praying, etc and STILL wonder why we" keep blowing up our microwave!"

I don't know about anyone else but all of the above totally describes me! Praise God for His mercy and His grace. Praise Him that no matter how many times I almost blow up the microwave (figuratively speaking and literally!), He guides me back to His word and His most awesome counsel. And Praise Him that he loves me despite how many, many, many times it has taken and will take for me to "get it right."

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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