Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't be a hummingbird!

Today at bible study, Beth Moore (via DVD) told a great story. She went camping with her family once. They decided to rent an RV which Beth found out "thang!" On the road, her and her hubbie had some bumps and by the time they got to the camp site, it had been a rough road. So they set up camp and went to bed. During the night Beth THOUGHT her dogs were the cause of the RV rocking and consequently, her not sleeping well. She found out the next morning, via a neighbor, that the rocking was in fact bear UNDER their RV!! So the family went to sit out at the picnic table for some coffee and to TRY to calm down at the thought that bears had been rocking their to speak. To be nice, Mr. Moore pointed out some hummingbirds to Beth. As Beth turned and watched them, they flew right at her!! "I am a friend to birds!" Beth said. Mr. Moore said to her, "Honey, they think you are a rose bush!" (She was wearing a very pretty floral shirt)

She went on to say we should not ever be attacked by our friends (I am a friend to birds!). We expect attacks from bears (enemies or the world) but we should never, ever expect attacks of any kind from our Christian brothers and sisters. She also used social media (Facebook or blogs) as an example. How often do we see one Christian calling another out through a status, or putting them down but leaving it vague enough so names are used but you know who they mean, or putting down on another brother, sister, church, denomination,or whatever but leaving out enough details so its not blatant. OR even more brazen-names are used! Gossip has a whole new medium these days and I am seeing more and more myself! Check out a teen's page! WOW!

This really convicted me.

It combination with the previous versus in James that talk about loving each other as ourselves and there only being one judge, this has had a profound impact. It has challenged me to truly read and read hard before I click "post."

During my fast I gave up Facebook for three weeks. I realized that in those weeks, I felt peace and joy that was unexplainable...well, first it was. This solidifies it even more to me how very powerful social media can be and as Christians, how very careful we must be with it.

It has sent people to their deaths, literally. Bullying, gossip, alienation are extreme but do happen.

On the other end, there is a passive aggressive ways that the world uses to "wag our finger," or shun. We, Christians that is, should not look like the world.

So, can you tell through your words and actions online that you are a friend of God and not of the world? Have you been a hummingbird and launched a surprise attack on a fellow believer(s)?

I cannot speak for anyone else but I know I will be even more careful about what I type, reply and comment.

Thank God for his grace, mercy, and patience.
Please God, help me not to be a hummingbird...or a bear. :)
Thank you God that I have a church home where I feel safe from hummingbirds and bears and for the amazing friends you have placed in my life that are constant sources of blessings and accountability.
God forgive me if I have ever been a hummingbird in any of my brothers or sisters lives. And help them to forgive me as well.
And thank you for Beth Moore, for her insight, humor and l

In Jesus name,
Amen.ove for you. Thank you that she is humbled enough to share her stories of hummingbird attacks and awful RV adventures.

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